
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Mehmet ?nceday?” ,找到相关结果约5937条。
Catheterization of the Lumbar Artery via the Superior Mesenteric Artery during Type 2 Endoleak Treatment
Onur Sildiroglu,Mehmetnceday,Ulku C. Turba
Eurasian Journal of Medicine , 2012,
Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left sinus of Valsalva
Zafer I??lak,Murat U?ur,Mehmetnceday,Mehmet Uzun
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2013,
Accordion-like giant interatrial septal aneurysm
Zafer I??lak,Murat Yal??n,Alptu? Tokatl?,Mehmetnceday
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2013,
Persistent left superior vena cava associated with giant coronary sinus
Zafer I??lak,Murat Yal??n,Mehmetnceday,Serkan ?ay
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2012,
Right paracardiac mass
Mehmetnceday,Zafer I??lak,Ersin ?ztürk,Veysel Temizkan
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2012,
Right paracardiac mass
Mehmetnceday,Zafer I??lak,Ersin ?ztürk,Veysel Temizkan
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi , 2012,
Are Hepatic Portal Venous System Components Distributed Equally in the Liver? A Multidetector Computerized Tomography Study
Mehmetnceday,Serkan Ar?bal,Ali Kemal Sivrio?lu,Güner S?nmez
Balkan Medical Journal , 2012,
Abstract: Objective: We aimed to evaluate the relationships between the splenic index, right and left hepatic lobe volumes, diameters of splenic vein (SV), superior mesenteric vein (SMV) and the portal vein (PV) by Multidetector Computerized Tomography (MDCT). We also investigated indirect signs of portal venous flow pattern using these parameters.Material and Methods: Following their contrast thoracoabdominal and abdominal 64-MDCT examinations, the images of 100 cases (61 males and 39 females) were evaluated retrospectively. For each case, the splenic index, total hepatic volume, left and right hepatic volumes were calculated on the post-contrast portal venous phase (50th sec) images. Spearman correlation tests were carried out with the purpose of determining the relationships between the variables. Statistical significance level was set at p<0.005.Results: A statistically significant relation was demonstrated between the diameter of the SMV and right hepatic lobe volume (p<0.0001), and according to Pearson’s correlation analysis, a positive correlation of medium strength (r=0.36) was observed. A positive correlation was demonstrated between the diameter of the splenic vein and left hepatic lobe volume (r=0.36). Statistically significant relation between the diameters of the splenic vein and right hepatic lobe was not observed (p=0.62). A strong correlation between the left hepatic lobe volume and the splenic index (r=0.556) was observed.Conclusion: We observed a positive correlation and a significant relation between the diameter of the SMV and the right hepatic lobe, and a relation between the splenic vein and splenic index and both hepatic lobes. We believe that this situation is related to the streamline flow in the portal vein, and as demonstrated in the literature, the flow in the SMV is directed at the right lobe, whereas the splenic vein empties into the liver homogenously. Our study is the first study in the literature performed by multidetector CT, which is a technique that reveals the relations between the streamline flow in the portal vein, the splenic index and the hepatic lobe volumes.
The Evaluation of Ata ehir- stanbul Mass Housing Development in the Context of Total Quality Management Approach= Toplam Kalite Y netimi anlay er evesinde Ata ehir Toplu Konut yerle mesinin de erlendirilmesi
Nesrin Dengiz,Deniz Onat ?nceday
tasar?m + kuram , 2003,
Abstract: Today one of the most discussed issues about housing estates is ‘quality’. Here the ‘quality’ of a housing estate, Ata ehir is evaluated. According to the ideas brought by Total Quality Management today new approaches of ‘quality’ and ‘Total Quality’ emphasize the importance of the ‘user’, designer’ and ‘constructor’, which are the main tree groups of a quality production process. In this paper, we have tried to determine the level of “quality” of Ata ehir Housing Development. Nitelik konusu, günümüzün toplu konut uygulamalar n n en ok tart lan ba l klar ndan birini olu turmaktad r. Ata ehir Toplu Konut Yerle mesinin nitel de erlendirmesi son günlerde, de i ik kesimlerce s kl kla s zü edilen "Toplam Kalite Y netimi" anlay er evesinde yap lmaktad r. Günümüzün kalite anlay ve Toplam Kalite yakla m nda, toplu konut üretim sürecinin a rl k noktas nda yer alan kullan c , tasar mc ve uygulay c kesimin,istek ve g rü leri do rultusunda büyük nemi bulunmaktad r.Bu ba lamda, her ü kesime uygulanm bulunan anket bulgular n n de erlendirilmesi sonucunda, Ata ehir Toplu Konut Yerle mesi’nin nitelik düzeyinin belirlenmesi ama lanmaktad r.
Broadbent’s Cognitive Approach and Its Effect on Motor Performance in Sports  [PDF]
Mehmet Koyuncu
Psychology (PSYCH) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.25073
Abstract: This study aimed to test Broadbent’s attentional filtering theory in the perceptual motor task of dart throwing. Dart board size was manipulated in order to reduce the amount of information to be filtered in the participants’ field of view. Sample consisted of 122 college students (63 males and 59 females) ranging in age from 17 to 36. Participants’ task was to throw 18 darts at the center of targets 45 cm, 30 cm and 15 cm in diameter. Performance was measured as radial distance from the bulls-eye of each dart. One way ANOVA, Repeated Measure of ANOVA was used in the analysis of the obtained data. The results of our study showed that dart throwing performance gave better results in cases where target’s field of view was reduced, compared to the ones in which target’s field of view was increased. Consistent with Broadbent’s central claim, results showed that fewer stimuli in the field of view required less processing, thus, better performance. Also, those subjects that were exercising regularly did better than the ones that were not exercising. This study provides evidence that reducing target’s field of view in dart throwing increases the chances to obtain better results.
A Survey on Geometric Dynamics of 4-Walker Manifold  [PDF]
Mehmet Tekkoyun
Journal of Modern Physics (JMP) , 2011, DOI: 10.4236/jmp.2011.211163
Abstract: A Walker n-manifold is a semi-Riemannian n-manifold, which admits a field of parallel null r-planes, with r ≤ 2/n . It is well-known that semi-Riemannian geometry has an important tool to describe spacetime events. Therefore, solutions of some structures about 4-Walker manifold can be used to explain spacetime singularities. Then, here we present complex and paracomplex analogues of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanical systems on 4-Walker manifold. Finally, the geometrical-physical results related to complex (paracomplex) mechanical systems are also discussed.

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